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PostgreJS is a enterprise-level PostgreSQL client for Node.js. It is designed to provide a robust and efficient interface to PostgreSQL databases, ensuring high performance and reliability for enterprise applications. Written entirely in TypeScript, it leverages modern JavaScript features to deliver a seamless development experience.

Library Overview

PostgreJS is a pure JavaScript library, meticulously crafted with TypeScript to offer a strictly typed, well-structured, and highly maintainable codebase. Key highlights include:

  • Language: Pure modern JavaScript library.
  • Strictly Typed: Completely written in TypeScript, offering strong typing and enhanced development experience.
  • Compatibility: Works seamlessly with both CommonJS and ESM module systems, ensuring flexibility in various project setups.
  • Comprehensive Testing: Rigorously tested to ensure stability and reliability in production environments.
  • Promise-Based API: Asynchronous operations are handled with a Promise-based API, promoting clean and efficient asynchronous code.


  • Connection Management: Supports both single connection and advanced pooling, providing scalability and efficient resource management.
  • Binary Wire Protocol: Implements the full binary wire protocol for all PostgreSQL data types, ensuring robust and efficient data handling.
  • Prepared Statements: Named prepared statements for optimized query execution.
  • Cursors: Features fast double-link cache cursors for efficient data retrieval.
  • Notifications: High-level implementation for PostgreSQL notifications (LISTEN/NOTIFY), enabling real-time data updates.
  • Extensibility: Extensible data-types and type mapping to accommodate custom requirements.
  • Parameter Binding: Bind parameters with OID mappings for precise and efficient query execution.
  • Array Handling: Supports multidimensional arrays with fast binary encoding/decoding.
  • Performance Optimization: Low memory utilization and boosted performance through the use of shared buffers.
  • Authorization: SSupports various password algorithms including Clear text, MD5, and SASL, ensuring secure authentication.
  • Flexible Data Retrieval: Can return both array and object rows to suit different data processing needs.
  • Resource Management: Auto disposal of resources with the "using" syntax (TC30 Explicit Resource Management), ensuring efficient resource cleanup.

Whether you're building a simple application or a complex enterprise system, PostgreJS provides the features and performance you need to succeed. Explore the capabilities of the library and elevate your PostgreSQL integration to the next level.


$ npm install postgrejs --save

Example usage

Establish a single connection, execute a simple query

import {Connection} from 'postgrejs';
// Create connection
const connection = new Connection('postgres://localhost');
// Connect to database server
await connection.connect();

// Execute query and fetch rows
const result = await connection.query(
'select * from cities where name like $1',
{params: ['%york%']});
const rows: any[] = result.rows;
// Do what ever you want with rows

// Disconnect from server
await connection.close();

Establish a pooled connection, create a cursor

import {Pool} from 'postgrejs';

// Create connection pool
const db = new Pool({
host: 'postgres://localhost',
pool: {
min: 1,
max: 10,
idleTimeoutMillis: 5000

// Execute query and fetch cursor
const result = await db.query(
'select * from cities where name like $1',
{params: ['%york%'], cursor: true});

// Walk through the cursor, and do whatever you want with fetched rows
const cursor = result.cursor;
let row;
while ((row = await {
// Close cursor, (Send connection back to the pool)
await cursor.close();

// Disconnect all connections and shutdown pool
await db.close();

Using prepared statements

import {DataTypeOIDs} from 'postgrejs'; 

// .....
const statement = await connection.prepare(
'insert into my_table(id, name) values ($1, $2)', {
paramTypes: [DataTypeOIDs.Int4, DataTypeOIDs.Varchar]

for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
await statement.execute({params: [i, ('name' + i)]});
await statement.close(); // When you done, close the statement to relase resources


You can report bugs and discuss features on the GitHub issues page When you open an issue please provide version of NodeJS and PostgreSQL server.

Node Compatibility

  • node >= 16.x


postgrejs is available under MIT license.