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hoststringlocalhostHost name or the address of the server
portnumber5432Server listening port number
userstringpostgresAuthenticating user name
passwordstringUser password
databasestringDatabase name to be connected
applicationNamestringThe name of your application to attach with your session
typesMapDataTypeMapGlobalTypeMapData type map instance
ssltls.ConnectionOptionsSSL configuration
timezonestringTimezone to be set on start. (Equivalent to SET timezone TO ....)
schemastringDefault schema to be set on start. (Equivalent to SET search_path = ....)
connectTimeoutMsnumber30000Connection timeout value in millis
autoCommitbooleanfalseSpecifies weather execute query in auto-commit mode
rollbackOnErrorbooleantrueWhen on, if a statement in a transaction block generates an error, the error is ignored and the transaction continues. When off (the default), a statement in a transaction block that generates an error aborts the entire transaction
bufferSmartBufferConfigConfiguration object for buffer