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Extends DataMappingOptions

objectRowsbooleanfalseSpecifies if rows will be fetched as <FieldName Value> pair objects or array of values
typeMapDataTypeMapGlobalTypeMapData type map instance
cursorbooleanfalseIf true, returns Cursor instance instead of rows
params(BindParamany)[]Query execution parameters
columnFormatDataFormat DataFormat[]1 (binary)Specifies transfer format (binary or text) for each column
fetchCountnumber100Specifies how many rows will be fetched. For Cursor, this value specifies how many rows will be fetched in a batch
fetchAsStringOID[]Specifies which data types will be fetched as string
rollbackOnErrorbooleantrueWhen on, if a statement in a transaction block generates an error, the error is ignored and the transaction continues. When off (the default), a statement in a transaction block that generates an error aborts the entire transaction