Prepared Statements
Prepared statements are great when you need executing a script more than once (etc. bulk insert or update). It dramatically reduces execution time.
To create a PreparedStatement instance or just call connection.prepare()
or pool.prepare()
pool.prepare(sql: string, options?: StatementPrepareOptions]): Promise<PreparedStatement>;
connection.prepare(sql: string, options?: StatementPrepareOptions]): Promise<PreparedStatement>;
import { DataTypeOIDs } from 'postgrejs';
// .....
const statement = await connection.prepare(
'insert into my_table(id, name) values ($1, $2)', {
paramTypes: [DataTypeOIDs.Int4, DataTypeOIDs.Varchar]
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
await statement.execute({params: [i, ('name' + i)]});
await statement.close(); // When you done, close the statement to relase resources